Bitmoji fun with animation in Google Slides
The Bitmoji fun is continuing in my Google Classroom. My students loved my Google Classroom Banners that I made (check out my last post below for how to) and have been making their own and sharing them with me (minus the bitmojis as they are only in year 4/5). Each day after school I have been choosing one of the ones they’ve made and uploading it to the Google Classroom Banner. Some days the student sends me a message that night so excited! Their enthusiasm and anticipation around it makes me laugh out loud.
That brings us to fun tip #1 – If you haven’t shared the fun with your students – get on it! Want some instructions to give your students to make their own – there’s a free editable one ready to download in my TPT store.
Ok, so I shared the fun with my class, but I was ready to take my own fun up a notch and try the animated slides. Not sure what I mean? Remember those flip books you used to make as a kid where you drew the pictures just a little bit over and flipped the book really fast and it looked like it was moving? Kind of like that. This is my first play around – ready for my big reveal in class on May the 4th (Be With You)! Click on the image to check out the animation.
This brings us to to fun tip #2 – animate your banner or slides! Want to know how, just read on.
Start off by opening up a new Google Slide and give it a name. Your next step is to decide what sized slide you’re wanting. Google Classroom Banner slides should be pixels of 800X200, if you’re wanting something more movie size try the 16:9 Widescreen. To set your slide size go to file, page setup and choose your size or customize your own.
Next get ride of the boxes on your blank slide and decide on a background to suit your theme. Mine was a Star Wars theme for May the 4th Be With You so I put choose a background from by computer. (Bonus fun tip #3 – the official Star Wars site currently has a ton of backgrounds available to download for Zoom backdrops that work beautifully on Classroom and Movie backgrounds). To choose your background go to Slide – Change Background. You can either choose a solid colour for your background or (my favourite), choose image. If you choose image, you can either upload from your computer by pressing browse and finding where you saved your image, or choose Google image search and use keywords to find the best background image for your theme. If you are creating your animation for your Google Classroom header then check out my fun backgrounds that I’ve already made up in my TPT store including a freebie!
Now that you’ve chosen your background you need to decide what it is that you want to animate. In my Star Wars one I created a light saber fight scene between my bitmoji and Darth Vader. You may want your bitmoji to run across the classroom and slide into their seat or trip over sending all their papers flying. What you want to happen in your scene will determine what else you need to add to your first slide. Now is the time to add any other images you need to complete your background. Chair, desk, couch, papers, whiteboard, pictures, books, Darth Vader, light sabers…. To find your extras go to insert – image – search the web (or upload from your computer if you already have them ready). When searching the web I recommend adding in transparent to the end of your keyword to make sure it’s a transparent image and won’t come with its own background. Set up your background as you want it as this will remain throughout your animation.
Once you’re happy with the scene you’ve set you want to duplicate your slide. I recommend 8-12 slides. To do this go to Slide – Duplicate Slide. Now it’s time to place your character ready for the animation. Make sure you place it where you want it to first start in the scene. For me I set my bitmoji (read my post below if you’re not sure how to set-up bitmojis) facing off with Darth Vader. Go to your next slide and move your character(s) over a couple of centimetres. Keep repeating this with each slide. You might want to change the pose your character is in as well by making it run, duck, throw their arms up, site, slide… You can check your placement of your character by clicking on the smaller slide on the left and using your arrows to move up/down quickly to simulate the animation.
Once you’re happy with your slides it’s time to animate it using Creator Studio. Go to add-ons – get add-ons and search for Creator Studio. Choose Creator Studio and select install. It will now show up under add-ons. Go to add-ons – Creator Studio – Open. Your output width is the width of your slide in pixels. If you can’t remember your size go to file – page setup – custom – pixels and it will tell you how many for the width (the first number). Put this number in your output width (length with automatically be calculated). Change the interval to 0.5 seconds. Click Go. When it’s finished your gif will now be automatically put into your drive. Right click on your animation and select download. It is now ready to be uploaded to your Google Classroom Banner or shared with your class!